The Social and its impact
Visualize the social, academic and behavioral impact that music teaching has through the collective practice of music on students, representatives and teachers. The subject will be developed from 3 perspectives: multilateral organizations, researchers and programs.

Historias de vida, testimonios

Organization Speakers
Mayra León, Director of the Simón Bolívar Music Conservatory and the El Sistema Research and Documentation Center
Musician, University teacher. Doctor in Education, Magister in Art, Aesthetic mention and Professor in Music Education. Mandolinist, Director of Choirs and Orchestras. He ventures into the conduction of children’s choirs in El Sistema with Master Irina Capriles in the nucleus of La Rinconada with the children singers of Caracas, later he develops his pedagogical work and conducting initiation, children’s and youth orchestras in the San Agustín Nucleus, Centro Montalbán y Guarenas Infant Academic.

Organization Speakers
María Guerrero, Executive President of the Foundation for Social Action for Music
María Guerrero Sanz (Madrid. 1983) created the Foundation for Social Action for Music in 2013, inspired by the social and pedagogical model devised by José Antonio Abreu, musician, economist, politician. Venezuelan activist and educator. She is currently the Executive President of the organization. which seeks to empower children and young people at risk of social exclusion through music.

Organization Speakers
Gabriela Perona Zevallos, Executive Director of Sinfonía por el Perú
She has a degree in Communication for Development from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), she has a master’s degree in Public and Global Health from the Cayetano Heredia University and the Executive Program in Social Impact Strategies at the University of Pennsylvania.

Organization Speakers
Yutaka Kikugawa, Executive Director/CEO Friends of El Sistema Japan since 2012
Born in Kobe in 1971. BA (Honours) in Geography from University College London and MA in Policy Studies from Institute of Education, University of London.
Joined UNESCO as Programme Officer in Education in 1998 after working with institute for Social Engineering, Inc. In 2000, joined UNICEF as Adolescent and Youth Development Officer in Lesotho (- 2003) and HIV/AIDS Coordinator in Eritrea (- 2007).

Organización Ponentes
Special guest
Eglis Chacón
País: Venezuela
Modelo: Invitada Especial

Organization Speakers
Xiomara Alemán, doctor in development science, retired from the IDB and practicing as an independent professional
Sociologist with a master’s degree in Public Policy and doctoral studies in Development Sciences at the Central University of Venezuela. He worked for 23 years at the Inter-American Development Bank as a Social Protection Specialist in several countries (Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela) as well as at the IDB headquarters in Washington DC, United States until April of this year.

Organization Speakers
Rosicler Gómez (Ecuador) – Deputy UNDP Venezuela
Since March 2018, she was appointed Deputy Resident Representative in Venezuela. Rosicler joined UNDP in June 2000 and started as Head of the Procurement Area in the CO of Ecuador and became Operations Manager in 2004. She was appointed International Operations Manager for the Argentina CO in November 2014 and fulfilled this position until February 2018, managing the second largest programme of UNDP in the world.

Organization Speakers
Francisco Javier Romero Naranjo, creator of the BAPNE Method
Francisco Javier Romero Naranjo has a doctorate from the Alexander von Humboldt University in Berlin, a master’s degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the European University of Madrid and a master’s degree in Ethnomusicology from the University of Maryland (USA). At present he is a tenured professor by opposition at the University of Alicante and coordinator of the Department of Didactics of Musical Expression.

Organization Speakers
Eric Booth, writer, researcher and consultant for arts organizations
In 2015 Eric Booth was given the highest awar in arts education in the USA, and was named one of the 25 most influential people in the arts in the USA.
He began as a Broadway actor, and became a businessman (his company became the largest of its kind in the U.S. in 7 years), and author of seven books, the most recent are Playing for Their Lives (which is the only book about the global growth of El Sistema) and Tending the Perennials.

Organization Speakers
Tricia Tunstall
Is a leading advocate for the seminal importance of high-quality music education for all children. Her most recent book is Playing for Their Lives: The Global El Sistema Movement for Social Change Through Music (co-authored with Eric Booth; W.W. Norton 2016). A definitive survey of the worldwide El Sistema movement, Playing for Their Lives provides vivid accounts of significant youth orchestra programs around the world, and is grounded in research in over 25 countries.

Organization Speakers
Alix Didier Sarrouy, researcher at CICS, NOVA of the University of Minho (Portugal)
Social science researcher, a musician and a performer. French, he has worked in several countries, mostly in Portugal. He has a degree in Cultural Mediation (Paris III) and MA in Cultural Politics (Paris VII). In 2017 he completed a double PhD in Sociology of Arts & Culture (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & Universidade do Minho). Your PhD thesis was titled: Actors of music education: comparative ethnography between programs inspired by El Sistema in Venezuela, Brazil and Portugal.