Mayra León
América, Venezuela
El Sistema

Musician, University Professor. Doctor in Education, Master in Arts, mention in Aesthetics and Professor in Music Education. Mandolinist, Director of Choirs and Orchestras. She started conducting children’s choirs in El Sistema with Maestra Irina Capriles in the nucleus of La Rinconada with the children singers of Caracas (niños cantores de Caracas), later she develops her pedagogical work and conduction of orchestras of initiation of children and youth in the nucleus of San Agustin, Guarenas and in the Montalban’s Child Academic Center. She is also part of groups such as Cantoría Alberto Grau, Musicam Sacra, Orfeón Juan Bautista Plaza, Multifonía with Maestro Iván Adler, participating in different events, operas, symphonic-choral and orchestral productions with national and international masters.
She is a researcher in the fields of Planning and Evaluation of musical learning, Didactics of Music, Neuroscience and Music, sociocultural processes, cognitive semiotics and aesthetics. At the Sojo Foundation, she assisted researcher Numa Tortorelo in the publication of the Iconography of Venezuelan Composers. She is Head of the Department of Teaching Practices at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, UPEL-IPC, sharing this work with the Academic Training Program of El Sistema. Some of her publications: Musical Neurodidactics and Learning Processes. An Approach for the Formation of the Music Educator.
UNESCO. IESALC. Journal of Higher Education and Society; “The pre-graduated activity through the Teaching practice: Educational research”, Journal of Research of UPEL-IPC; “The pedagogical Practice on UPEL’s Musical education teachers, under the Theory of Action approach”. Journal RIEAC. She participated in the 5th Congress-Workshop on Neurosciences, Education and Emotional Intelligence. 7th Conference of Neuropsychoeducation. 2015. Buenos Aires. Argentina.