
The Philosophical
The National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela is a structure in perpetual dynamics of transformation and adaptation to the changing circumstances of the world. This premise motivates us to establish channels that allow music to be the patrimony of the daily life of each individual and the very hope of the universe.

Collective Practice
Exchange experiences about the methodological approach of the collective practice of music, with which knowledge is only built from the collaborative element. A social thought that makes “Music for All” possible and that promotes, in a unique way, teamwork, respect for human diversity and life, harmonious coexistence, solidarity, co-responsibility, cooperation, tolerance ; all of them as indelible sources for the valuation of the common good. This subject will have 2 important focuses: the repertoire and the creation.

Visualize the experience of how musical programs, through a managerial-administrative structure, build a network of orchestras, youth and children’s choirs, nuclei and pedagogical centers, which allow them to impart a successful academic-musical teaching model.

Composition and Creation
Referred to the artistic, creative and systematic process that promotes the production and transmission of the musical work. The “aesthetic capital” and its socio-cultural significance. The musical work, the arrangement, the orchestration.

The Social and its impact
Visualize the social, academic and behavioral impact that music teaching has through the collective practice of music on students, representatives and teachers. The subject will be developed from 3 perspectives: multilateral organizations, researchers and programs.

The Artistic, the Concert and the Rehearsal
Share experiences from the perspective of how the rehearsal and the concert go hand in hand based on the artistic program. Everything that is experienced in the rehearsal happens in the concert and is further enhanced because a set of artistic elements converge in the concert.

Safeguard Policies for Children and Adolescents
Exchange experiences of the protection policies implemented by musical programs and international organizations to safeguard the rights of children and adolescents within musical institutions.

Fundraising and Associativity
Share best practices on the issue of fundraising for the sustainability of the musical project in the short, medium and long term.