I World Congress El Sistema reaffirms our spirit towards a culture of peace

Continue paving the way to achieve access to music as a universal right, with a sense of inclusion and equal opportunities, are some of the conclusions that are included in the manifesto that closed this global meeting with the participation of more than 60 inspired programs In Venezuela
Press El Sistema
During three consecutive days we were able to experience the joy of meeting again, recognizing ourselves and learning from common experiences to refine the consolidation processes of more than 60 music teaching programs that, from other latitudes, follow the model created in Venezuela by Maestro José Antonio Abreu.
Thanks to the sponsorship of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Venezuela, we come to the close of this third day of presentations. The topics focused on the analysis of safeguard policies for children and adolescents; as well as models in search of alliances and resources to finance pedagogical and artistic activities.
For three consecutive days we met through the platform created especially for the connection of the speakers with a large group of observers from the participating institutions, with the intention of presenting the experiences, achievements and methodologies applied for the management of the different inherent aspects to our educational model.
The first part of this day three opened with the participation of Ira Rodríguez, Manager of the Special Education Program, who stressed the need to create safe environments for children and youth in nuclei and modules; Cleopatra Montoya, a legal consultant, followed, who spoke about the mechanisms to guarantee access to justice in cases of violation of protection rights. Later she turned to Jessica Zweig, who related details of the laws that govern to address work with children in Philadelphia.
Representing the joint work with Unicef to understand the protection rights of children and adolescents, Bárbara Cervantes intervened; while the psychologist Magdymar León emphasized trust as the basis for creating safe spaces.
In his participation, the photographer Andres Knapp spoke about the responsibility of managing the image of children and adolescents for public dissemination; closing the agenda was the Venezuelan Ron Davis Álvarez with the experience of creating codes of conduct for the performance of group coordinators and leaders.
For the following topic related to financing search strategies, the presentation was varied and illustrative, delving into various formulas for obtaining mixed support. The panelists were Anis Barnat with the experience of the Grecia System; Nikoletta Polydorou with the various sources that feed the projects in Cyprus; Gisela Flanigan with the membership categories of El Sistema Global and Enrique Márquez with diverse points of view passing through Latin American institutions.
The closing was for the Executive Director of El Sistema, Eduardo Méndez, who highlighted as a strategic point the display of work before the sponsors, the management and interconnection of relationships between support organizations and the agreement of wills to carry out specific projects focused on dissemination of the institution as a mark of roots in each place of origin.
The days of September 28, 29 and 30 culminated with a manifesto in which a clear task for the future is established.
“Today before this I World Congress El Sistema, we manifest this dream as a sustained search before society and before the world, as a fundamental task of our times and a substantial characteristic of social ideology, that breaks the barriers that separate us and that strengthens universality. of the language of musical art; as Inspiration of the human being and the society that brings us together and drives us in the aspiration of the higher good for children and youth throughout the world ”.
“Based on this dream that today is manifested as an undeniable reality in our continents, we dispose ourselves in brotherhood and solidarity to persevere in the face of the noble invitation to continue” Playing and Singing Together. “
We will meet again in 2022 with much more experience and prepared to face the challenges of new realities in the years to come and above all to continue building together the platform of that great desire that the World System represents.
It will be a new development structure for the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela, whose governing body is the Simón Bolívar Musical Foundation, attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for the Office of the Presidency and Monitoring of Government Management of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.