Valeria Atela

President of the Soijar Foundation

Valeria Atela, presidente de la Fundación Soijar

Teacher, professor and graduate in Music with specializations in Musicology and recently in Management of Educational Institutions.

Based on the initiative of Maestro José Antonio Abreu, she is, since its creation, president of the Soijar Foundation, as the founder and general director of the Orchestra-School of Chascomús, the main pedagogical laboratory of the orchestra-school methodology that is applied and developed in many parts of the country. Her work was recognized by numerous organizations and universities and featured from the Konex Prize in Education to the Vatican.

For 23 years she has developed programs for the implementation of orchestras and choirs, working in coordination with social, cultural and educational organizations and organizations, and with her methodology she continues to train generations of students and perfect teachers and references at a national and international level. At present, she adds to her activity the research, under the direction of Dr. Melina Furman, on how music can be an increasingly better instrument for the development of life skills in children and young people.


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